Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Photo manipulation

Adnan Hajj manipulated photos during the Lebanon War and was fired from his job and erased all 920 of his photos. His manipulations were in between because all he did was add little details he didn't change the picture.

Issam Kobeisi took a photo of a women kneeling in front of a bombed house and used the same women  in 3 different photos on 3 different locations and on 3 separate dates. Its unacceptable because he repeated the same person on different occasions and didn't use the woman's name.

In july of 2008 Iran's Revolutionary Guards released an image of Iranian missile launch and it was manipulated because one missile failed, the non firing missile was removed, one of three missiles was duplicated to make it look like a complete launch. The person used false pictures to make the launch look like a success.

These photos are unethical because all 3 pictures were composited into one photo.
This National Geographic cover the pyramids were moved closer and i think its least unethical because it makes the cover better and makes it more pop out all they did was just move them closer they didn't lie or put things from other photos onto the cover.

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